According to the Harvard Business Review, the top reasons for selecting a coach are: experience coaching in a similar setting and a clear coaching methodology. How do you let people know your experience and methodology? One way is to write articles.
Many websites publish informational articles. Coaches often provide white papers on their own website. Local newspapers may publish articles of interest. Newsletters distributed by different organizations often value articles of interest. Magazines look for great content.
As a coach, it makes sense to write and publish articles. If you are writing about actual coaching work, it is important to have the permission of the client or to change the name and facts so that the client is unidentifiable. When you write about coaching methodology, cite your source. For example, at the Center for Coaching Certification, the Staircase to Success Coaching Model provides insight to approach and the coaching process taught is respected. When you cite your sources you are demonstrating your professionalism.
When you write articles for publication, write for the reader. Choose which audience to target based on your coaching niche and write in a way that is interesting for your potential clients. Before beginning, ask and answer these questions: What do they want to read about? What value are you providing on the topic? Happy writing!
Where do you look for good articles?