Increasingly the conversation in corporate America, among consultants in a wide range of professions, and leaders in the community includes the topic of coaching. Yes, coaching is a powerful tool and hiring a coach quite simply makes sense because of the return on investment. Having a coach is becoming a standard for enhanced results and success.
What is happening now? Companies are working to create a coaching culture and leadership training includes coaching skills. What is behind this trend? It started with the old style of management where what the boss said was the final word. Then came the shift to managers sharing their ideas and asking for input. Now, engaging employees means asking for their input and empowering them on the job. This approach requires a higher level of skills; it requires coaching skills.
Think about it… telling someone what to do is easy. Listening and asking questions so they figure it out requires patience, focus, listening skills, and powerful questioning techniques. This is where learning coaching skills makes sense for anyone in a leadership role — because the coaching profession considers these basic competencies. Coaching is still mistaken for mentoring or consulting — it is very different and learning coaching is fast becoming a necessity for effective leadership.