
How do you define accountability?  Accountability means having responsibilities, either to others or to ourselves.

How do you manage accountability?  As an individual, we are accountable to ourselves and to others.  For others this typically involves work, personal, or family commitments.  Because other people are involved they ask us about progress and follow through.  For ourselves, effectively managing accountability includes knowing our priorities, values, and objectives.  Next, we plan what we want to do and by when.  Then we monitor our own progress with checklists, calendars, or by memory.  This is where having a coach makes so much sense.

Consider these questions:

  • When was the last time you really thought about your priorities?
  • How often do you reflect on your values?
  • When do you define your objectives?
  • What is your process for planning?
  • How effectively do you monitor your progress?

A coach who has completed their coaching certification effectively partners with you so that you do think through priorities, keep values front of mind, define objectives, plan actions, and monitor progress.  An important part of accountability discussed in coach training is acknowledging progress and success.  A coach takes the time to reflect and celebrate because this supports ongoing motivation.

Having a coach is an opportunity to develop accountability to yourself and, bottom line, enhances your outcomes.

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