Charismatic versus Toxic

Coaching is a Perk with the Job

Who do you know that you consider toxic?  Reflect for a moment on how they talk, what they talk about, and the level of interest people have in what they are saying.  Typically, their language includes: don’t, doesn’t, should, could, would, might, try, need, but, however, can’t, won’t, always, or never. Charismatic versus Toxic

Who do you know that is charismatic?  Reflect for a moment on how they talk, what they talk about, and the level of interest people have in what they are saying.  They are more likely to use positive words: now, because, easily, naturally, aware, experience, realize, expand, create, opportunity, imagine, brilliant, enlighten, focus, visualize, peaceful, tranquil, balance, calm, and empower.

What is the difference between the two?  The toxic person typically uses negative language and talks about problems. Within a short time, people lose interest in what they are saying.  The charismatic person commonly uses positive language and talks about solutions and the future.  People are interested and stay interested.

Being toxic or charismatic is habit-forming and it is a choice.  Being toxic is easier.  If someone is toxic, they may choose to stay that way be simply not choosing to do something different.  Being charismatic takes effort.  The charismatic person made a choice to be positive and thinks about what and how they communicate.

Which do you want to be?  What level of effort are you willing to put into being they way you want?  To make the journey toward being charismatic easier, work with a trained coach!


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