During coaching certification, the process for establishing the coaching agreement is discussed. It starts with a conversation on what coaching is and what it is not for clarity. Additionally, there is exploration of the research on the Return on Investment or ROI of coaching. This models having a conversation with prospective clients about coaching. Coach training programs ideally offer multiple resources including providing samples of agreements.
Coaching agreements are written. Occasionally coaches work based on a verbal exchange only; according to the Code of Ethics a written agreement is called for because it ensures clarity.
What do you include in a coaching agreement?
- Def
ine coaching and the role of the coach
- Define the role of the client
- Define the parameters of the coaching relationship
- Explain confidentiality and how it works
- Explain how potential conflicts of interest are handled
- Give an overview of time commitment to coaching, scheduling of sessions, and the cost of the sessions (unless a sponsor is paying in which case this is addressed in their service agreement)
- Provide the options and considerations for continuing or ending a coaching relationship
Is a conversational tone, legalese or a different approach best in the agreement? Some coaches prefer the conversational tone because the coaching relationship is about open communication. Some coaches want the legalese for protection and clarity. Generally coaching agreements do address the legal points in friendly language.
How do you create a coaching agreement? Review multiple samples and pull ideas from each. When you are finalizing your coaching agreement go through the Code of Ethics to ensure you cover the applicable points.