Being a Coach

Being a Coach

More than one coach has shared their motivation to help others and make a difference.  Choosing to become a coach often hinges on this desire.  Coaches talk about the work time developing others was what they enjoyed the most while in a job.  Fully embracing the idea of each person being empowered is essential. Being a Coach

The choice to start the journey for becoming a coach is commonly tied to the desire to be of service and make a difference.  Of note: the journey to becoming a coach is more than coach training and credentialing.

Being a coach includes ICF’s competency 2: Embodies a Coaching Mindset, which they define as, “Develops and maintains a mindset that is open, curious, flexible, and client centered.”  What does this mean?  It is recognizing that others are whole and capable.  It is a commitment to ongoing learning and development.  It is the paradigm shift from thinking that telling helps, to recognizing that asking questions is the most helpful because it develops others.  Coaching is partnering with clients so that they find and choose how to use their own answer.

One thing coach trainers talk about is the paradigm shift all coaches go through from telling to asking without knowing the answer.  It means creating awareness of the impact asking has, and then changing long-time habits.  Being a coach means fully embracing asking because clients are best served when they are their own best expert.


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