Book Review: The Seven Steps of Effective Executive Coaching

career coaching processes

The Seven Steps of Effective Executive Coaching is a book that provides a solid overview of coaching along with details on how to do it well.steps

Summary – The chapters of the book include:

Part One: Overview and Introduction

  1. Introduction
  2. What is executive coaching?

Part Two: The seven core capabilities of effective executive coaching

  1. Rapport Building
  2. Deep listening
  3. Creative questioning
  4. Giving effective feedback
  5. Clear goal setting
  6. Intuition
  7. Presence

Part Three: The Achieve Coaching Model®

  1. Assessing the current situation
  2. Creative brainstorming of alternatives
  3. Honing goals
  4. Initiating options
  5. Evaluate options
  6. Valid action programme design
  7. Encouraging momentum

Part Four: Using the Achieve Coaching Model® in Context

  1. The seven core capabilities in context
  2. Measuring the effectiveness of executive coaching
  3. Future trends and outlook

The Good:

The Achieve Coaching Model® realistically and effectively builds out the GROW model.  The process is clear, duplicable, and sustainable.   The specific examples of skillful coaching are right on target and a good learning tool.

The Bad:

The book lists seven coaching competencies of which five parallel competencies published by the International Coaching Federation; there are noticeable gaps.


This book is an excellent read for those seeking a coach to understand the process and how a coach works.  It provides great value for coaches seeking to enhance their own learning.

Note: The skills and application are very much in keeping with what is taught in the Certified Professional Coach program at the Center for Coaching Certification.

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