How do quiet moments enhance coaching? Offering time and space for digestion gives a client the chance to comprehend a new awareness or develop a …
Center for Coaching Certification Coaching Program
Coaching Program
Coaching for Divergence While Brainstorming
How is brainstorming so important to the process of coaching? Divergence is the development in allowing the brain to go in many directions, taking the brain …
Benefits of Coaching All Generations
Coaching is beneficial to each generation in specific and similar ways. Because it is personal, individual objectives are the focus of the coaching relationship. Benefits …
Creating Your Personal Strategic Plan
Creating Your Personal Strategic Plan by Pamela Howard Creating Your Personal Strategic Plan came about after reflecting on the work I had done with my …
Coach Transparency About Confidentiality
The International Coaching Federation defines client and coach, then provides the standards for confidentiality. What is said between the coach and the client is confidential. …
Coach Transparency About Conflicts of Interest
The International Coach Federation’s Code of Ethics specifically addresses avoiding and disclosing conflicts of interest: “I will seek to avoid conflicts of interest and potential …
Transparency About Coaching
When someone is considering engaging with a coach for the first time, they often want more information about the benefits. Basically, the new client is …
Coach Transparency About Education and Experience
The Code of Ethics from the International Coaching Federation includes a guideline for coaches to be honest about their experience and their coach training. Specifically …
Transparency in Coaching
How does transparency apply in coaching? Transparency is essential for ethical behavior in the coaching profession. When discussing the Code of Ethics during coach training …
Challenges to Learning Coaching
When participating in a coach training program, what is the biggest challenge to learning how to coach effectively? The answer comes from 10 years of …