When you consider the research on the ROI for coaching, the average return on investment is 600-700% – see http://mowbraybydesign.com/coaching-roi/for more information. What is the …
Center for Coaching Certification Coaching Resources
Coaching Resources
Emotional Intelligence in Coaching
What is emotional intelligence? Psychology Today states that Emotional Intelligence, is “the ability to identify and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others.” …
About Coaching and Becoming a Coach
What is coaching?  The International Coach Federation (ICF), defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal …
More on Wellness Coaching
What, specifically, is wellness coaching? Wellness coaches partner with clients for positive and lasting change in terms of well-being. What, specifically, is well-being? Well-being includes …
Competencies, Models, and Processes
The coaching competencies plus various models and processes are easily and naturally intertwined during coaching relationships. The scenarios in the previous blogs give you a …
Life Coaching
Here is an example of a life coaching engagement using models, processes, and the coaching competencies. A colleague in your network refers a coachee who …
Executive Coaching
Here is an example of an executive coaching engagement using models, processes, and the coaching competencies. For an executive coaching engagement, you start with an …
Facilitating Learning and Results
Creating Awareness, Designing Actions, Planning and Goal Setting, plus Managing Progress and Accountability are competencies where the coachee is exploring, strategizing, designing action steps, and …
Setting the Foundation
At the Center for Coaching Certification, students learn that the competencies of Meeting Ethical Guidelines and Professional Standards plus Establishing the Coaching Agreement call for …
11 Core Competencies as a Model and Process
The International Coach Federation, ICF, provides a listing and explanation of their 11 Core Competencies of a Coach at https://www.coachfederation.org/corecompetencies and information on how they …