Often these roles are confused or used interchangeably when they are actually very different. Each serves a unique purpose. Following are definitions, simple how to …
Center for Coaching Certification Coaching Stories
Coaching Stories
What Skills Are Most Important in Great Leaders?
From the ability to give credit to leaders who are crafty problem-solvers with innovative solutions, here are 15 answers to the question, “What is one …
Coaching On Camera or Off Camera?
Pre-covid much of coaching was done virtually and ever since this trend has continued and grown. It means coaches can easily serve clients all over …
Unacknowledged Influencers
Each time we make a decision, there are multiple considerations involved. These include other people, time, money, logistics, resources, emotions, biases, energy, physical wellness, and …
10 Ways to Recognize Success
From offering material rewards to showing your team’s trust, here are 10 answers to the question, “How do you prefer to be recognized for your …
How Coaching Advances Results
The growth of coaching as a profession, as well as the hype around creating a coaching culture in organizations, generates curiosity as to what exactly …
What Happens If a Coach Tells?
Core to coaching is holding the client as their own best expert. The coaching process is specifically and intentionally one where the client reflects, explores, …
The Ultimate Guide to Coaching Presence
The International Coaching Federation defines the competency of Maintains Presence as, “Is fully conscious and present with the client, employing a style that is open, …
7 Little-Known Facts About Cultures
From wearing traditional ornaments to celebrating musical heritage, here are seven answers to the question, “What facts about your culture do you wish more people …
The Pros and Cons of Assessments
The Pros and Cons of Assessments Who remembers this discussion from coach training? Assessments can be helpful and there can also be a negative side …