By Ruth Pearce  One of the key things expected of a project manager is to build and execute a plan. For many project managers, …
Center for Coaching Certification Coaching Stories
Coaching Stories
Book Review of Coaching Perspectives VIII
This book, the newest addition to Coaching Perspectives, provides insights on how to approach different circumstances in life and when coaching. The awareness, techniques, and processes …
Reestablishing a Career After Addiction Treatment
Author: Rufus Carter – Sometimes people ask, “Can anyone be a coach?” Or “What experience is required?” The answers, as with so many answers …
How will a coach help me?
Discover the answer by considering these questions: How often do competing priorities interfere with your choices? How many goals have you forgotten or pushed aside? …
How can a coach help with balance?
First, what is balance? People experience balance differently. It is generally discussed as a ratio of work, fitness, personal care, and family time. Sometime there is …
What are the opportunities for a coach?
Because coaching involves highly developed people and communication skills, coaching certification is a career opportunity, a business opportunity, and a personal development opportunity. Career: Coaching …
I want to become a coach!
The gold standard for being a coach is membership in the International Coach Federation (ICF). Â Â The ICF requires 60 hours of training to become a …
Resources Provided to Graduates on the Assessment Dashboard
In addition to wholesale pricing and being able to brand assessment reports with your information, the assessment dashboard given to all graduates includes a multitude …
What is the difference between Online and Blended learning?
Online means that the entire program is completed online. Blended means that part of the program is online, and part of the program is face-to-face. …
What is the difference between having a Coach versus a Mentor?
A Mentor is a fabulous person who will pass on their wisdom and experience. In the workplace they help with connections and defining or refining …