In the previous blog, we shared the coach training participants are often completing their coaching certification to learn coaching as a skill for other jobs. An example showed coaching as a skill in our personal lives. Now we are shifting to examples of applying coaching skills at work. To simplify the example, C is the person who completed the coach training. P is the person with whom they are talking.
The scenario: A boss (C) is checking on a project that was assigned to a specific employee (P).
C: One project that I want a completion timeline for is X. What is the timeline?
P: Well, a few things have come up.
C: That makes sense. Given these things that came up, what is your plan to complete the project.
P: Actually, I was hoping you were going to tell me.
C: Because this is your project and I am confident in your abilities, I want you to do the planning.
P: Oh, ok. Can I get the plan to you later?
C: By what time today will you have the plan to me?
P: Oh, by 3 I guess.
C: Is that a guess or a commitment?
P: A commitment.
C: Thanks. I look forward to receiving it and am happy to talk it through with you at 3.
P: OK. I will come to your office then.
In this example, P was initially evasive. Using coaching questions with a focus on the ownership for the project belonging to P, C moved the conversation forward. P choose the commitment to create a timeline and the time for submission. The coaching skills effectively served both C and P. More examples to come in future blogs.