As a result of the pandemic many are unemployed or newly working from home, and they are struggling to figure out how to manage their day-to-day events. Balance is getting out of sync. People are struggling and stressed. What can they control? How do they decide when to do something?
Imagine seeing your neighbor coming home from work each day, stopping outside their front door, and waving their arms around before going inside. In the morning they come out, stop outside their front door, and wave their arms around again. You see this time and time again. Finally, you go over to your neighbor and say, “I am curious about something. Every morning you step outside your front door and you wave your arms around. Every evening you stop outside your front door and wave your arms around. I am curious, what are you doing?” The response is that when they come home from work, they take all the work problems, challenges, and issues, hang them up in the tree, go inside, and are at home. In the morning when they come out, nobody has ever stolen those challenges or problems, they have never washed away in the rain or blown away in the wind. That is when they can do something about them, so they take them and go to work.
The lesson learned: Focus on what is within your control, and when you can do something about it. Do what you can when you can and protect time for yourself and your family.
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