Because coaching involves people and communication skills, learning coaching helps during interactions with others. This is true at home, with friends, and at work. Some jobs involve a high level of interaction with people so professionals in these fields are well-served to learn coaching skills. A few examples:
· Doctors
· Attorneys
· Mental Health Professionals
· Accountants
· Financial Planners
· Human Resources
· Customer Service
· Public Safety
· Public Service
· Social Service
· Teachers
· Architects
· Real Estate Agents
· Property Managers
· Project Managers
· Scrum Masters
The list goes on… coaching is a skill set that serves all of us well.
Very specifically, coaching elevates the following skills:
· People Skills – Recognize personal styles and know how to flex to the individual.
· Communication – Listening, assertive language, and questioning techniques.
· Goal-setting – Effective process that creates change and motivates follow-through.
Coaching incorporates a solution-focus in a positive, proactive conversation that engages internal motivators. Coachingquestions for these conversations are different than other types of questions and incredibly powerful. Coaching questions are short, simple, forward focused, and open-ended. The questions invite complete responses. Here are a few examples:
· What do you want?
· What are your priorities?
· What is going well?
· What are the challenges?
· What are your ideas for addressing the challenges?
· How do you want to make it happen?
· What does work for you?
· What resources do you have?
· What resources do you want?
· What is your timeline?
· How will you keep it on track?
· How will you celebrate progress and success?
Coaching is viewed as an essential skill set for leaders and an increasing number of career fields are adding coaching to their list of professional competencies to develop. The competencies for coaching are: Demonstrates Ethical Practice, Embodies a Coaching Mindset, Establishes and Maintains Agreements, Cultivates Trust and Safety, Maintains Presence, Listens Actively, Evokes Awareness, and Facilitates Client Growth.
The full definitions and subpoints are found at https://www.coachcert.com/resources/about/mission-vision-ethics-core-values.html Reviewing this information makes the value of learning coaching clear.