What are the opportunities for a coaching program within companies?
- Develop High Potentials
- Increase Employee Engagement
- Enhance Productivity
- Follow-up on Training
- After 360 Reviews
- Creating a Coaching Culture
What is the focus of the coaching for these purposes?
- Develop High Potentials – Coach High Potential employees to explore their interests, possible career paths, and skill development areas. Support learning opportunities the coach and coachee co-create.
- Increase Employee Engagement – Coach managers and supervisors on their people and communication skills.  Provide coaching for group or team leaders to create a trickle-down impact.  Focus on opportunities for creating an environment where employees share ideas on how to do their work more effectively.
- Enhance Productivity – Coach individuals along with team leads, supervisors, and managers on empowering employees to set goals, control their work, and enhance their results.
- Follow-up on Training – Coach training participants to develop their plan for implementing the learning.
- After 360 Reviews – Coach individuals to focus on their own learning, what they want to change, and skills they want to develop. Partner with them to develop their strategies and action plans.
- Creating a Coaching Culture – Offer a combination of: training on coaching skills, individual coaching, and group coaching.
The reason companies are increasingly incorporating coaching programs is because coaching is a highly effective organizational development tool that works. The applications are wide-ranging and the impact amazing. What additional opportunities do you think are possible?