For both internal and external coaches, ensuring they are a good match for the individual coachee is a critical component of the coaching engagement. The process for matching a coach with a coachee is as follows:
- Define the reasons for engaging a coach.
- Identify prospective coaches.
- Provide the coachee with bios to select three coaches for interviewing.
- Schedule the interviews / introductory sessions.
- Coachee selects their coach.
Step 1: The reasons for engaging a coach will vary from person to person. Sometimes it is over-all skill development, leadership development, or change management. Other times a coach serves as a sounding board or to develop a strategy. Occasionally a coach is engaged to address a derailing behavior. In some cases, there is a specific goal the coach will support.
Step 2: Identifying prospective coaches, whether internal or external, was covered in the previous two blogs.
Step 3: Once the prospective coaches are identified, collect the one-page bios of each to provide the coachee for review and narrowing to three possible coaches.
Step 4: In addition to arranging for interviews as mentioned in the previous blog post, another tool is a brief introductory coaching session. Typically an Introductory session is 20 to 30 minutes and it may be combined with an interview. In addition to the coachee having a sense of how the coach works, it also creates coachee buy-in to the process. To prepare a coachee, provide a simple checklist of considerations. For example:
When interviewing three prospective coaches, rank each on a scale of 1 to 5 where
1 = Limited, 2 = Poor, 3 = Average, 4 = Good, and 5 = Excellent
Rank each Coach | Coach (Insert Name) | Coach (Insert Name) | Coach (Insert Name) |
My Level of Comfort Talking with the Coach |
Coach Ability to Expand My Thinking |
Coach Training |
Coach Experience |
My Sense of this Coach Supporting My Success |
Total Score |
Step 5: After the coachee has interviewed and/or experienced an introductory session with each of three prospective coaches, have the coachee select their coach.