Executive Coaching is a big investment. When using an executive coach you can maximize the potential with intentional awareness, engagement, and processes. Doing this involves several considerations:
- Before starting decide on the reasons for coaching – include both the quantitative as well as the qualitative.
- Interview several prospective coaches before choosing a coach. Be sure the individual who will be coached is involved in this process. Ensure the coach has the appropriate trai
ning and expertise.
- Discuss objectives and how to measure the ROI of coaching prior to the first session and then review regularly.
- Because rapport – the trust and intimacy – are the greatest indicators of success, ensure the coaching is completely confidential and that the client comfortably trusts their coach fully.
- Co-create the relationship, processes, and experiences as a partnership between the coach and the client.
- Learn from the non-obvious as well as the obvious – take time to dig deeper, to reflect, and to explore other possibilities.
- Design accountability and also recognition of progress and success into the relationship.
- Plan regular evaluation of the process, the outcomes, and the opportunities and flex accordingly.
The research shows that executive coaching provides incredible value based on the outcome for the individual client and their organization.