Part 1: A Reluctant Coaching Client by Brandi Alvarez
Beginning the next coaching session, I realize how hard it was to pull me from the negative into the positive and create a productive conversation. It is difficult for me to look forward instead of back. I need to find my voice, clear, concise and confident. What does it take? I was shocked to hear that according to Jack Canfield 77% of all information that we hear after age 11 is negative. It takes 21 days to change a thought, 30 days to develop a new habit, and 6 months for that new habit to stay in place. That is a lot of work! These concepts of affirmations, positive information in and application out, focusing on what you want, are new to me. I have always heard about it; I never knew anyone who practiced it. Does it work? Does listening to your goals and your wants in your words help produce results? I guess I am going to have to wait on that — it sounds good. A daily positive reminder can’t hurt.
Now as this session has ended I have found myself taking what I wanted and focusing it into goals and action steps. Once again today proved to be difficult; putting goals into steps that were manageable was a first. Until today I thought of goals as pie in the sky. On one hand I am wondering how I managed to get through life and on the other I now know why being a student is so easy for me: the goals are set. I think back and wonder ‘if only’. On to the next step of prioritizing. How am I going to do that when all I can think about is what can hold me back? Is there any way to move past this?