Network to Develop a Client Base

coach networkingChances are you have heard about the importance of networking.  As a coach, this is extremely important because referrals are a top source of new coaching clients.  Opportunities for networking abound so it becomes a matter of researching, making choices, and then getting out there to meet people.

Some coaches attend local Chamber of Commerce events.  Often on there are events that are of interest for your potential coaching clients and thus for you as a coach.  There are professional membership organizations that meet regularly and attending is an opportunity to network.  Business Networks International has groups all over the world that meet for the purpose of networking and developing a source of referrals.

Each time you attend an event, go out, or travel make it a point to start a conversation with someone new.  Ask about their work and their challenges.  When it makes sense, let them know what you do is related to their work and wait for them to ask about it.  Discuss following up with a five-minute call to explore the value of talking more and then keep it to five minutes!

As a coach, the more you talk about who you are and what you do, the more people are aware and the information spreads organically.  For ideas on how to define you coaching, read the descriptions on the Executive and Life Coaching pages on the Center for Coaching Certification website.

How has networking benefitted you?

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