Serving You During Challenging Times with Free Group Coaching for Coaches

Group Coaching for Coaches

Hi Coach!  With the world facing challenges and change, there is an opportunity to serve both to help you take care of yourself and to support you helping others as a coach. Group Coaching for Coaches

Beginning April 3rd, every Friday at 4 PM Eastern US time is a free Group Coaching for Coaches.

To join all Group Coaching for Coaches sessions, please use this link:

During these group coaching sessions, we will explore what people want to focus on and accomplish.  We may move to breakout groups.  We will collaborate to maximize the value of each conversation.

Come ready to share what will help you take care of yourself during this challenging time.

Come ready to share how coaches can best help others through coaching.

And… watch for more!  The next blog will build on this with group coaching for those who are interested, and we will invite you, coaches, to coach breakout groups.

Yes, the impact of the pandemic is hard and is creating many stressors and much strain. Let’s move forward and explore:

  • How can we support one another to face this head-on?
  • What are the challenges we face?
  • How can we meet and surpass challenges with grace and ease?
  • How can we maximize options?
  • What are the opportunities?
  • How can we enhance the benefits of the changes that are happening?

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