During coaching certification specific communication techniques are taught and practiced. These are essential for coaching effectiveness. The ICF Core Competencies list includes three: listening, clear …
achieve and sustain excellence
360 Reviews Followed by Coaching Creates Positive Results
When an individual is given the results of a 360, there is often a focus on the negative or a desire to know who said …
Are Assessments a Coaching Tool?
In addition to personality assessments, there are a multitude of tools for assessing. Assessments cover everything from emotional intelligence, relationship intelligence, social intelligence, spiritual intelligence, …
Personality Tools for Coaches
Is it appropriate for a coach to give personality assessments? Most personality assessment tools have a certification process prior to administering the tool. If a …
ICF Core Competencies as a Coaching Tool
The ICF developed and publishes information on Core Competencies for coaches, doing an excellent job of detailing the skills required to provide effective coaching. In …
Coaching Agreements from Coach Training Programs
The ICF Code of Ethics requires a clear agreement or contract, and the agreement is a tool for establishing, maintaining, and ending a coaching relationship. …
Code of Ethics – A Tool Discussed in ICF-approved Coach Training
The ICF Code of Ethics is an important tool for coaches and for their clients. As a coach, the Code of Ethics provides guidelines that …
Effective Goal Setting is a Coaching Tool
While goal setting is often discussed and regularly done, knowing and applying specific techniques enhances results. In the previous blog posts the Meta Programs discussed …
Grow Your Coaching Business Based on Your “Why”
We all have personal reasons for becoming professional coaches and then for starting a coaching business. The set up and planning takes time and a …
Coaching: Self-regulation or Government Regulation
Coaching is growing and expanding rapidly and is here to stay. As a profession or an industry, coaching has grown and garnered increasing levels of …