by Linda Clark Have an elephant in the room? The quiet fear of feedback. If you asked a room of 200 professionals, “How much …
When It Is Time for Feedback

Center for Coaching Certification
by Linda Clark Have an elephant in the room? The quiet fear of feedback. If you asked a room of 200 professionals, “How much …
by Julie Kratz Research shows that when we have a plan, our chances of achieving career success are 80% higher. Those that set goals …
by Amanda Quayle Ask a few people, “What guidance can you offer to a graduate looking for their first job?” Along with their responses you …
by Shaddae Renee Shaddae Renee wrote the chapter “Mapping your Dreams” published in the 6th Edition of Coaching Perspectives, an informative book designed for …
by Jennifer Maxwell Parkinson Coaching and image consulting work together, hand-in-hand, to aid individuals in aligning their inner and outer messaging to themselves and …
by Kaleen Barbera I think we all agree that we strive to be the best, most effective version of ourselves when it comes to …
by Cathy Liska Coaching is more than an up and coming profession – coaching is a way of being. Coaching as a way of …
Coaching Perspectives VI This book addresses becoming and then being a coach plus the impact of coaching. Summary: The chapters of the book include: The …
Coaching is all about benefitting the client. In coach training each coach learns to focus completely on the client and to continue the relationship only …
Please humor me for a moment with this question because the reality is that for most people NOT having a coach is far more expensive …