An aggressive communicator easily expresses their opinion. It is natural for aggressive communicators to advocate for their own ideas. An aggressive communicator easily expresses their …
The Challenge: Shift from Aggressive to Assertive

Center for Coaching Certification
An aggressive communicator easily expresses their opinion. It is natural for aggressive communicators to advocate for their own ideas. An aggressive communicator easily expresses their …
A passive communicator is someone who waits for others to speak first. Often a passive communicator will refrain from saying anything and then, perhaps later, …
Imagine going to a travel agent and asking them to book a vacation. When the travel agent asks where to and the answer is a …
When someone is externally motivated it means their actions serve what someone else wants or they are avoiding a consequence. External motivation gets a short …
Sometimes, when coaching, a client is reacting to circumstances instead of planning intentionally. As a coach, part of the process expertise learned in coaching certification …
The International Coaching Federation modeled being positive for all coaches and coach training programs when, in updating the Code of Ethics, they intentionally changed to …
When coaching, clients are often working on how they will complete specific things. Sometimes it is tracking their own work or all the work of …
Given that 40% of people are primarily visual and many more are secondarily so, visuals, diagrams, or info-graphics are great tools for coaches. As an …
While assessments are validated tools intended to provide a depth of insight, inventories are a tool that can be created or tailored specifically for coaching …
Coaching certification programs provide tools for their student coaches to use. As their coach training advances, student coaches acquire more tools and also learn to …