Goals are the compass that guides us through life. They give us direction, purpose, and the motivation to strive for something better. Setting goals is …
How a Coach is Selected
What is one criterion you look for (or others should look for) when selecting a coach? To help you identify the best criterion to look …
Listening on Multiple Levels
Listening – really listening – is a gift. For the person speaking, to know they are heard and understood is a wonderful experience. Reflect for …
Pamper your inner self with a coaching session!
By Naomi Clark-Turner https://www.linkedin.com/in/naomi-clark-turner-a592781/ Most of us understand the importance of regular physical check-ups and the health benefits: the annual wellness-visit to our doctors and …
Coaching Stuck Business Owners
by Linda Murphy https://www.linkedin.com/in/linda-a-murphy/ It has been almost five years since I became a professional coach for business executives and entrepreneurs. I am deeply moved …
Hallmarks of a Great Coach: 2. Present
After being prepared, the first hallmark of a great coach, comes the hallmark of being present. Present Dictionary.com defines present as: noting an action or …
Clarity for Getting Things Done
Nozomi Michiki Morgan Career & Life Coaching | Personal Branding | Global Communication Intelligence michikimorgan.com — nozomi@michikimorgan.com In the previous blogs the benefit of clarity and the …