In the blog post Monday I mentioned the move toward self or government regulation of the coaching industry. Will it happen? It is only a …
Benefits of the ICF
Often coaches ask me about the International Coaching Federation and the benefits of membership. What are the pros, the cons, and the considerations? Cons – …
Dating Coach
What does a dating coach do? A dating coach works with individuals in all stages of dating. For some it is preparation, for others it …
Coaching Children or Youth
What does a coaching relationship with a child or youth focus on? The answers are as varied as those receiving and doing the coaching. For …
Coaching and Mental Health Issues
What happens if a coach spends time delving in to the past? What happens if a coach starts diagnosing a mental health issue? What happens …
Coaching a Client in Crisis
As a coach, you prepare for coaching sessions. Imagine just beginning with a client and having your process in place for starting the coaching relationship …
Skill Development Coaching
Many companies are identifying their high potential employees and future leaders to receive coaching from either an internal or external coach. The focus of these …
Transition Coaching
Transition is part of life. Children transition from being home to attending school to college to a job. Adults experience transitions in relationships, homes, and …
Grief Coaching
When a client is experiencing grief, how does a coach ensure they are coaching instead of providing mental health services? One of the challenges the …
Coaching and Addiction
Imagine getting a referral from a coaching client – they want you to work with someone that “really needs” a coach. The client shares with …