By Pete Liska Because we all process so much information we have learned ways to manage the information. This is helpful on a day-to-day …
coaching certification
Goal Setting
By Pete Liska During coach training an example was given as follows: Imagine going to a travel agent and asking them to book your …
How to Choose a Wellness Coach
How to Choose a Wellness Coach By Cathy Liska When thinking about a wellness coach, a common practice is to start with looking for possible …
Note-taking During Coaching Considerations
During coach training the question often comes up as to whether face-to-face or telephone coaching is most effective. The debate between the two is fascinating. …
Note-taking and Coaching Competencies
Note-taking and Coaching Competencies By Cathy Liska As a surface level consideration, having the notes from coaching sessions sets the coach up to effectively apply …
How are the notes taken?
How are the notes taken? By Cathy Liska During coach training, options for note-taking include the obvious paper and pen, computers, iPad, etc. While some …
Access to Coaching Notes
When notes are takin during coaching sessions, who has access to the notes? If the client is the one taking the notes, then the answer …
Coaching and Note-taking
Coaching and Note-taking By Cathy Liska Coaching sessions are an opportunity for clients to think out loud, explore their opportunities, brainstorm possibilities, develop strategies, plan …
More Secrets to Creating Change
by Beth Donovan – By reading these secrets to creating change a few at a time in this blog series, you are giving yourself …
Coaching is a Profession; Coaching is a Business
Coach training serves leaders, HR professionals, and training professionals well as a competency in their current roles. Coaching certification is often a first step for …