Showing: 51 - 60 of 430 RESULTS

About the Science of Positivity Class

Juanita Bulloch

by Juanita Bulloch Science of Positivity is a continuing education class offered by Center for Coaching Certification that I recently attended.  My experience is …

Now is the Time

Now is the Time

How often do you or people you know make a resolution and then forget about it within a matter of weeks?  In my experience, way …

New Energy

New Energy

New days, new years, new goals – all are exciting and an opportunity to energize us.  How will you maximize this time to create new …

When is your time?

When is your time?

As with so many coachees, for coaches it is also easy to forget about self-care.  After all, you are likely focused on learning your craft, …

How do I listen?

How do I listen?

Many perceive themselves good listeners.  At the same time, upon observing themselves and reflecting, many also realize their listening leaves something to be desired.  This …