Coaching is an opportunity for the client to explore possibilities, define goals, determine how to move past obstacles, and strategically achieve success. Apply that thinking …
Achieve and Sustain Excellence in Coaching 18
An excellent relationship between the coach and the client creates the opportunity for excellence in the coaching process. Coaching sessions are an exercise in communication. The …
Achieve and Sustain Excellence in Coaching 17
Building on the foundation you created for your coaching business with your action steps from the previous blog posts in this series, you are prepared …
Achieve and Sustain Excellence in Coaching 16
The key to sustainability is consistency in your marketing and consistency in the quality of your coaching services. Sometimes coaches fall in to the trap of …
Achieve and Sustain Excellence in Coaching 15
When marketing your coaching services to achieve and sustain excellence in coaching, you have literally hundreds of strategies from which to choose. Select a handful …
Achieve and Sustain Excellence in Coaching 14
Marketing is often the determining factor in achieving and sustaining excellence in coaching because until potential clients know about your coaching and engage you as …
Achieve and Sustain Excellence in Coaching 10
Being well-organized supports your excellence in coaching. When you are organized, you are serving your clients more effectively because you are confident in how you …
Achieve and Sustain Excellence in Coaching 9
The set-up of your work space contributes to your excellence in coaching because your ability to work effectively is influenced by your environment, tools, and …
Achieve and Sustain Excellence in Coaching 7
Excellence in coaching goes deeper than having competence and a Code of Ethics – it requires walking the talk. While this seems obvious, it is …
Coaching Core Competencies – 8 of 12
Different people say the same thing different ways and different things the same way. Clear communication requires learning assertiveness, understanding how different people express themselves, …