After working as a Therapist for years, Ann Marie decided she wanted something different. She realized that working with clients to resolve their issues was …
Code of Ethics

Coaching Ethics
The International Coach Federation, ICF, publishes a Code of Ethics for coaches. All members of the ICF subscribe to the Code of Ethics, agree to …
Coaching Children or Youth
What does a coaching relationship with a child or youth focus on? The answers are as varied as those receiving and doing the coaching. For …
Grief Coaching
When a client is experiencing grief, how does a coach ensure they are coaching instead of providing mental health services? One of the challenges the …
Coaching and Addiction
Imagine getting a referral from a coaching client – they want you to work with someone that “really needs” a coach. The client shares with …
A Coaching Conflict of Interest
Business coaches focus on working with clients who own small to mid-sized businesses. During the coaching process, topics include business operations, marketing, growth, and sustainability. …

Coaching Client Progress Report
As a Certified Professional Coach, many of you are working with companies and coaching their employees – either internally or externally. The coach must determine …
What the Coach Can Do About the Company Secret
On Monday the blog post gave a situation wherein the company told the coach that they wanted an employee, the coaching client, to leave the …
Coach Told a Company-held Secret
The phone rings and someone from a large company is asking about your coaching services. They want you to coach an employee because of inter-personal …
Coaching Client Dating a Colleague
Imagine this dilemma: You are hired by a company to coach an employee. After working with the employee, your coaching client, for several months you …