As with so many coachees, for coaches it is also easy to forget about self-care. After all, you are likely focused on learning your craft, …
When is your time?

Center for Coaching Certification
As with so many coachees, for coaches it is also easy to forget about self-care. After all, you are likely focused on learning your craft, …
A coach and client have been working together for six months with a focus on the client’s business. The client wants to discuss a challenge …
A coach has a client who owns their own hair salon. The coach’s friend decides to start their own business – a hair salon – …
A coach keeps notes on paper and stores them in a locked file cabinet. The coach’s house is broken into, the file cabinet is busted …
A coaching client’s manager wants a full report on what is discussed during coaching sessions. They threaten to stop paying for the coaching unless they …
A coaching client offers their box seat tickets to a big game to the coach. The coach has completed their coach training and is a …
A coaching client invites the coach to their wedding. The coach has completed their coach training and is a member of the ICF and accountable …
A coach also works as a trainer teaching communication skills. The coaching client hires trainers for programs inside their company. The coach has completed their …
A coach goes to their clients. The coach is coaching the client in their office and the client closes the door. The client accuses the …
Rapport is a harmonious interaction and connection between the coach and client. Rapport is the #1 indicator of success for a coaching relationship. About Rapport: …