Showing: 31 - 40 of 43 RESULTS

Coaching Models and Processes

by Cathy Liska Coaching is advanced development for advanced results.  The coaching relationship revolves around the model and follows a process.  A model is …

How does coaching work?

Coaching creates a time and safe place for people to think, talk it through, consider different possibilities and the implications, make their own choices, develop …

How to Become a Coach

Coaching is the second fastest growing profession in the world and as such, many are asking how to become a coach.  Ultimately the answer is …

Do I need a Career Coach?

What is Required to be a Coach?

What is Required to be a Coach? By Pete Liska Technically and legally, almost anyone can call themselves a coach.   Some individuals do call …

What Can a Coach Fix?

What Can a Coach Fix? By Pete Liska To answer the question, “What can coaching fix?” start by understanding what a coach is and …