A boat docked in a tiny coastal village. A tourist disembarked and complimented the local fisherman on the quality of his fish, and asked how …
A Focus on Life’s Priorities

Center for Coaching Certification
A boat docked in a tiny coastal village. A tourist disembarked and complimented the local fisherman on the quality of his fish, and asked how …
Published with Permission from Assessments 24/7. This is a Monday blog series; our regular coaching blog will be published on Thursday’s. This blogs series has …
In a fast-paced constantly changing world, prioritizing what to do when is relevant and valuable. In the absence of prioritizing, we may find ourselves doing …
Clients change their priorities. For some, simply exploring what they do want in all areas of their life creates awareness of different priorities. Tools help …
How will we determine our priorities for change? Priorities come from meaning, circumstances, barriers, opportunities, and passion. There are as many sets of priorities as …
Continuing discussion on the use of various coaching techniques from coach training with coaching client Katrina, this blog series now moves into supporting a coaching …
The International Coaching Federation, ICF, provides definitions for Coaching, Coaching Relationship, and an ICF Professional Coach at the beginning of the Code of Ethics. Coaching …
Often clients have a defined reason or direction when hiring a coach, especially when working with executives. Time and outcomes are consistently being measured, and …