Showing: 1 - 8 of 8 RESULTS
Nikki Seneca

Science of Positivity

by Nikki Seneca – I started the Science of Positivity course unsure what I would get out of it and how it would help …

Laurence Waeber

Positivity in Coaching

by Laurence Waeber  One thing I’ve realized over the 6-week course on Positivity is the tendency that many people have to use negative and limiting …

Meet Coach Carolina

Meet Coach Carolina

Carolina worked in Organizational Development before completing her coach training and becoming a coach.  Carolina works to understand her clients and support their self-awareness.  She …

How do I empower myself?

How do I empower myself?

Empowerment is a hot topic and for many good reasons. Start with a quick review of the conversations online: 10 ways to empower gives …

Unleash your Potential

by Alina Lozonschi In the mood for success?  Ready to explore your opportunities and be who you want to be?  Great, with that awareness you …