This blog was published previously on the International Coaching Federation blog.
Is coaching language a science or an art? Yes! In other words, based on research and experience, I believe it is both.
Word choice does make a difference. Consider people who are labeled as “toxic” or conversely as “charismatic.” How do they express themselves? Their word choices are a key difference. Consider the expertise on linguistics and the brain provided by such experts as David Rock, Linda Page, John Grinder, Richard Bandler, Frank Luntz, Alfred Korzybski, and Noam Chomsky.
For this blog post, I want to provide examples and perspective, then encourage you to figure it out for yourself – much in keeping with what we all do as coaches.
Ask yourself this question: How can I be the best coach in the world?
Chances are you will explore skill enhancement through study and practice, experience-building opportunities, and how to effectively build and market your services.
Now ask yourself this question: How can I be the best coach for the world?
With this wording you are more likely to consider supporting other coaches and the profession as a whole.
By changing one small word, the direction of your thoughts changed.